Saturday, 5 March 2016

FCRA Update - Quarterly Disclosure of Foreign Contribution

Rule 13 (b) requires all NGOs receiving foreign contribution to disclose on quarterly basis. Here are details on how to go about it. 

Rule 13 (b) requires all NGOs receiving foreign contribution to disclose on quarterly basis, donor-wise details of foreign contribution received in their Designated FCRA Bank Account, including the date of receipt. This information should be disclosed within 15 days of the end of the last quarter.

The Amended Rules were notified on 14th December 2015 and thus, this information is already overdue for the quarter 1st October to 31st December 2015 and should have been on every NGO’s (having FCRA Registration or Prior Permission) website by 15th January 2016.

However, considering the fact that several NGOs do not have a website of their own, MHA has made provisions to enable such NGOs to upload the necessary information on MHA’s own website.

NGOs desiring to post quarterly FC update of funds received should log on to MHA’s website: and after using ‘user id’ and ‘password’, the NGO can post the following information:
·        Name of the donor
·        Type of Donor (Individual or Institutional)
·        Address of the Donor
·        Purpose (select out of options -- economic, social, cultural, religious, etc.)
·        Amount received

For any other queries, write to us at

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